Our PCN works in partnership with the GP Surgeries to provide the Enhanced Access Service. This service helps to make more appointments available for patients in the evenings and weekends when practices are fully booked. It also helps provide flexibility for patients who may need to arrange an appointment in the evening or at weekends if your practice is not open.
If you would prefer an evening or weekend appointment, please inform your practice of this when requesting an appointment, and they will try to arrange for you to be seen by the Enhanced Access Service where possible. You can also tell them if you prefer a telephone, video or face-to-face appointment.
How do I access this service?
Patients from Bath Road Surgery, Blue Wing Family Doctor Unit, Chestnut Practice, Green Practice, Hounslow Family Practice, HMC Heart of Hounslow, Hounslow Medical Centre, Kingfisher Practice, Redwood Practice and Willow Practice have access to the PCN Enhanced Access Service. Please speak to your practice or GP for more information.
Our Pain Management Service is a remote service that provides easy, direct access to experienced professionals who are specifically trained in pain management.
This service is appropriate for patients over the age of 16 presenting with pain that has persisted for 6 months or more.
The programme aims to:
- Support you with specialist Pain Practitioners and personal Health & Wellbeing Coaches
- Help you understand how chronic pain develops and persists
- Show you ways to manage your pain
- Support your independence
- Improve your quality of life
- Help find the best medicines for your pain
Patients are offered a 16-week programme where they can explore a range of modules and tools to help manage their own pain. This service is not suitable for patients awaiting investigation or treatment for their pain, or patients experiencing complex mental health issues.
How do I access this service?
Patients from Bath Road Surgery, Blue Wing Family Doctor Unit, Chestnut Practice, Green Practice, Hounslow Family Practice, HMC Heart of Hounslow, Hounslow Medical Centre, Kingfisher Practice, Redwood Practice and Willow Practice have access to the Pain Management Service. Please speak to your practice or GP for more information.
Advanced clinical practice is delivered by experienced, registered health and care practitioners such as nurses, pharmacists, paramedics and occupational therapists. It is a level of practice characterised by a high degree of autonomy and complex decision making. This is underpinned by a master’s level award, or equivalent, that encompasses the four pillars of practice: clinical, leadership and management, education and research. This level of practice is designed to transform and modernise pathways of care, enabling the safe and effective sharing of skills across traditional professional boundaries.
Further information can be found in the Multi-professional Framework for Advanced Clinical Practice in England
You will be booked to see our Advanced Clinical Practitioner by your GP surgery team where appropriate.
As with all appointments provided by your GP surgery, if you cannot attend your appointment, please notify your GP surgery as soon as possible. This will help to make your appointment available for another patient. If it is a same-day cancellation, it is best to call your practice. Otherwise, you can contact your practice as you normally would.
Meet our Advanced Clinical Practitioners
Latha Gurusamy
Advanced Clinical Practitioner Nurse
About Latha
Latha has been a qualified nurse for almost 25 years and the past 20 years has spent most of her time caring for patients admitted to hospital for complex cardio-thoracic surgeries. Over the last eight years, she has worked as an Advanced Clinical Practitioner (ACP) in cardiac surgery and one year as a lead ACP managing a team of nurses, cardio-thoracic ACP’s and clinical nurse specialists within the cardiac surgical wards, day of surgery admissions and fitness for surgery department.Latha has completed her Masters in Advanced Practice and independent non-medical prescribing in King’s College London and a leadership course with the Florence Nightingale Academy, London. Latha has experience in clinical audits and quality improvement. As an ACP, she has also developed a wide range of skills that compliment her role in the PCN.
Sham Beeharry
Advanced Clinical Practitioner Nurse
Your Clinical Pharmacy team is made up of Clinical Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians. Clinical Pharmacists are highly qualified experts in medicines and Clinical Technicians work alongside them to help you get the best from your medicines. They work closely with your GP surgery team and their PCN team to provide patients with personalised care.
Clinical Pharmacists
Clinical Pharmacists are highly qualified experts in medicines. Clinical Pharmacists work as part of your GP surgery team to improve your outcomes from medicines. They consult with and treat you directly on behalf of your GP. This includes providing extra help to manage long-term conditions, advice if you’re taking multiple medicines and better access to health checks. They also pay an important role in managing care for patients as part of a multi-disciplinary team, that includes other health and care professionals.
Some Clinical Pharmacists are qualified to prescribe medicines. They may also have additional training and specialist areas. Such examples include: Type 2 Diabetes, Hypertension and Chronic Pain Management.
Watch these two videos to learn more about Clinical Pharmacists:
Pharmacy Technicians
GP Pharmacy Technicians work alongside your GP surgery and Clinical Pharmacists to support the delivery of safe, effective and efficient systems to get the best from medicines. They also support repeat prescribing, reduce medicine waste and maximise patient outcomes from their medicines.
GP Practice Pharmacy Technicians work under the supervision of a pharmacist and are registered healthcare professionals, responsible and accountable for their own accurate and safe practice.
Structured Medication Reviews
GP Pharmacy Technicians work alongside your GP surgery and Clinical Pharmacists to support the delivery of safe, effective and efficient systems to get the best from medicines. They also support repeat prescribing, reduce medicine waste and maximise patient outcomes from their medicines.
GP Practice Pharmacy Technicians work under the supervision of a pharmacist and are registered healthcare professionals, responsible and accountable for their own accurate and safe practice.
Clinical Pharmacists also carry out Structured Medication Reviews for patients with ongoing health problems. These reviews help to improve patient safety, outcomes and value through a person-centred approach. Structured medication reviews are an evidence-based and comprehensive review of your medication, considering all aspects of your health. In a structured medication review, clinicians and patients work as equal partners to understand the balance between the benefits and risks of taking medicines, as well as the alternatives.
What will happen in my Structured Medication Review?
The Clinical Pharmacist will review your medication with you to make sure you are getting the most from your medicines. They will want to understand not only what is clinically best but what works best for you based on your lifestyle and how you normally manage your medicines. Your Clinical Pharmacist will think about all your medicines if you have multiple conditions and your health, and how medicines might be impacted.
Your review is done with you. Your Clinical Pharmacist will discuss and explain any proposed changes, so you understand them and are at the centre of any decisions.
How can I get the most from my appointment with my Clinical Pharmacist?
Please bring your medicines with you or have them nearby if you have a remote review. As with all health appointments, it’s a good idea to write down any questions or concerns you have, to make sure these get covered. You can see some general advice for preparing for an appointment with a health professional on the NHS website.
If you prefer to attend with someone else, please let your Clinical Pharmacist know and that you would like for them to be there.
What happens after the Structured Medication Review?
Any changes discussed will be added to your GP record so that your GP knows what was decided during your review. If the Clinical Pharmacist is an independent prescriber of the medicines you use, they can amend your prescription. Otherwise, they will discuss and arrange for the changes with your GP.
If you have any questions about your medication or your review, you can call your GP Surgery who can assist you or arrange for a follow-up.
Your appointment
You will be booked to see a Clinical Pharmacist for a structured medication review by your GP surgery where appropriate. Your appointment may be face-to-face, by telephone or via a video call. A structured medication review appointment is usually around 30 minutes and sometimes more than one consultation may be required.
As with all appointments provided by your GP surgery, if you cannot attend your appointment, please notify your GP surgery as soon as possible. This will help to make your appointment available for another patient. If it is a same-day cancellation, it is best to call your practice. Otherwise, you can contact your practice as you normally would.
Meet your Clinical Pharmacy team
Joanne Peh
Clinical Pharmacist / Head of Hounslow PCN Pharmacy Services
Sween Dubb
Senior Clinical Pharmacist
Zahra Younis
Senior Clinical Pharmacist
Faten Khalil
Senior Clinical Pharmacist
Manveer Singh
Clinical Pharmacist
Bhavana Limachia
Pharmacy Technician
Vinay Rediz
Pharmacy Technician
Deep Kaur
Pharmacy Technician
Areej Al-Khayatt
Clinical Pharmacist
Sukhveer Dubb
Clinical Pharmacist
Fatima Sleiman
Clinical Pharmacist
Ruoqing Yang
Clinical Pharmacist
Sonia Akbar
Clinical Pharmacist
Siara Sarwar
Clinical Pharmacist
Fizah Muhammad
Clinical Pharmacist
Aisha Malik
Clinical Pharmacist
Ebunoluwa Lufadeju
Clinical Pharmacist
Sabrina Fish
Clinical Pharmacist
Care coordinators play an important role within a Primary Care Network. They proactively identify and support patients, including the frail/elderly and those with long-term conditions. The team provides coordination and navigation of care and support across health and care services for those patients. The care coordinators ensure that patient health and care planning is timely, efficient, and patient-centred.
Care Coordinators invite patients for reviews of their long-term conditions, screenings or vaccinations when they are due. They also book patient appointments with the most suitable clinician when online requests are made. This may not always be a GP, for example, they may book a patient to see First Contact Practitioners (physiotherapists), Physician Associates, Clinical Pharmacists and Social Prescribing Link Workers, amongst others, where this is most appropriate. This helps free up GP time for those patients that need to see a GP.
Care Coordinators also organise and document the monthly meetings in GP surgeries with various health and care professionals, known as Multi-Disciplinary Team meetings (MDTs). These meetings discuss some patients in each practice with more complex health needs. The wide attendance at these meetings helps to ensure that patients can be seen by the most appropriate teams in a timely way.
The aims of our Care Coordinators are:
- To help patients see the right professional for their concern
- To provide quick and effective support to manage patient requests sent online
- To support non-clinical support teams in the GP surgeries to be able to have more time to focus on patients that cannot use online services
- To help clinical and non-clinical teams work together to make sure patient need are met
- To help make sure practices and PCNs can reach as many eligible patients as possible for important things like cancer screening
Meet the Care Coordinator Team
The Care Coordinators’ core aim is to help ease the non-clinical workload associated with the delivery of high-quality care by the PCN and practice teams.
Each practice has an allocated care coordinator, who supports the PCN and practices with case finding/management, coordination support, patient empowerment, managing requests relating to patient care and ensuring equity of access.
Amanpreet Bhogal
Lead Care Co-Coordinator
Aldrich Fernandes
Care Co-Coordinator
Balbinder Birdi
Care Co-Coordinator
Piotr Czechowski
Care Co-Coordinator
Margaret Smyth
Care Co-Coordinator
Lisa Holmden
Care Co-Coordinator
Srishti-Jean Baburaj
Care Co-Coordinator
Shruti Modak
Care Co-Coordinator
Amy Macintosh
Care Co-Coordinator
If you’ve got new pain in your joint or muscle, your GP Surgery may decide to offer you an appointment with a Musculoskeletal First Contact Practitioner (FCP). As highly trained Physiotherapists, their job is to assess and diagnose your problem and provide a treatment plan. Your FCP will organise any prescriptions, scans, tests or referrals they think you need. They can also provide a fit note if required.
Conditions FCPs can help with include:
- All soft tissue injuries, sprains, strains or sports injuries
- Arthritis – any joint
- Possible problems with muscles, ligaments, tendons or bone, e.g. tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, ankle sprains
- Spinal pain including lower back pain, mid-back pain and neck pain
- Spinal-related pain in arms or legs, including nerve symptoms, e.g. pins and needles or numbness
- Changes to walking
- Post-orthopaedic surgery
Some patients will not be suitable to see a First Contact Practitioner, this includes:
- Acutely unwell
- Children under 16
- Medical management of rheumatoid conditions
- Women’s health, antenatal and postnatal problems
- House-bound patients
- Medication reviews
- Neurological and respiratory conditions
- Headaches
- Acute mental health crises
- Patients who do not want to see a FCP
Your GP surgery may offer you an appointment with the FCP based on your symptoms. You can self-refer to see an FCP by contacting your GP as you usually would for an appointment – please indicate that you would like to see an FCP.
As with all appointments provided by your GP surgery, if you cannot attend your appointment, please notify your GP surgery as soon as possible. This will help to make your appointment available for another patient. If it is a same-day cancellation, it is best to call your practice. Otherwise, you can contact your practice as you normally would.
Musculoskeletal FCP:
- What is FCP?: https://vimeo.com/574370220
Arthritis, joint and soft tissue injuries:
- Versus Arthritis information on all types of arthritis: Versus Arthritis | A future free from arthritis
- Information on joint and soft tissue conditions by joint: Managing your bone, joint or muscle pain | The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (csp.org.uk)
- Spondylarthritis information and exercises: Homepage | National Axial Spondyloarthritis Society (nass.co.uk)
- Hip arthritis decision making tool: NHS hip osteoarthritis decision tool (england.nhs.uk)
- Knee arthritis decision making tool: NHS knee osteoarthritis decision tool (england.nhs.uk)
- Decision making tool for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: NHS Carpal Tunnel decision tool (england.nhs.uk)
- Use the interactive body map to explore pain and injuries: Home | IPRS Health Portal (mskr.info) Code: MSKR
Back pain:
- General information on back pain, causes, self-management and treatments: Back pain | The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (csp.org.uk)
- 10 Things you need to know about your back: https://youtu.be/24P7cTQjsVM
- CES safety netting: Cauda Equina Information cards (macpweb.org)
- Lower back pain myth busting https://www.csp.org.uk/system/files/myth_busters_leaflet_-_final.pdf
- MRI patient advice: https://www.england.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/B1206-Best-MSK-Spinal-Patient-Advice-030822.pdf
Bone Health:
- Osteoporosis Risk Checker: Osteoporosis risk checker (theros.org.uk)
- Information regarding osteoporosis diagnosis and staying active with osteoporosis: Royal Osteoporosis Society – Osteoporosis Charity UK (theros.org.uk)
- Understanding Acute and Chronic pain: Understanding Pain in less than 5 minutes, and what to do about it! – YouTube
- Escape pain for hip, knee and back pain: ESCAPE-pain – An evidence-based group rehabilitation programme for people with chronic joint pain
- Rethink Chronic Persistent Pain: Tame The Beast — It’s time to rethink persistent pain – YouTube
- Understanding Chronic Pain: Home – Flippin’ Pain (flippinpain.co.uk)
- Chronic pain, acceptance and commitment: https://youtu.be/ZUXPqphwp2U
Strength and Fitness:
- Stronger My Way – find out how to exercise safely at home: Stronger my way | The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (csp.org.uk)
- Training for healthy tissue: Load vs Capacity and Injuries – YouTube
Meet your Musculoskeletal First Contact Practitioner Team
Peter Miller
First Contact Practitioner
Riddhi Shah
First Contact Practitioner
Health & Wellbeing coaches can help by
- providing coaching support to help you manage your condition
- working with you to identify your health and wellbeing goals
- signposting you to helpful resources and peer support groups
Your appointment
Our Health & Wellbeing Coaches will be working across Hounslow to support PCN projects and Healthy Hounslow’s Health Check service. This is a mobile service and does not accept direct referrals, instead our healthcare professionals operate out of a converted ambulance and travel to different locations, events and communities across Hounslow. For more information, please visit the Healthy Hounslow website at healthyhounslow.co.uk/service/health-checks/.
If you would like to access health coaching on referral, the best way to access this service is to complete an online assessment on the Healthy Hounslow website.

Mental Health Practitioners are now working as part of most Hounslow GP surgeries to help patients get the support they need. They are healthcare practitioners trained to support patients with their mental health. They support your GP by helping to get patients quicker access to mental health expertise.
If you are referred to a mental health practitioner, they will work with you to understand your needs. After assessing your needs, they will provide treatment advice and support shared decision-making about self-management. If appropriate, they may support you with brief interventions relevant to your needs over a small number of sessions. Where needed, they can make referrals to specialist mental health services.
Mental health practitioners can:
- help you with talking therapies to support a wide range of topics and issues
- provide tools and techniques to help manage symptoms
- support you if you are experiencing the psychological effects of managing long-term conditions, such as diabetes
If you, or someone you know, is struggling with mental health issues, speak to someone at your local GP surgery who can arrange the right kind of support for you.
For more urgent advice and support, West London NHS Trust provides a Support and Advice Line on a 24-hour, 7 days a-week basis which can be accessed via 0800 328 4444. This service is provided by specially trained mental health advisors and healthcare professionals who will be able to offer support and guidance around the next steps for you or the person you are concerned about.
Your appointment
You will be booked to see a mental health practitioner by your GP surgery where appropriate. Your appointment may be face-to-face or via a video or telephone call.
If you cannot attend your appointment, please notify your GP surgery as soon as possible so your appointment can be made available for another patient. If it is a same-day cancellation, it is best to call your practice. Otherwise, you can complete an online form to cancel or reschedule an appointment.
Meet your Mental Health Practitioner Team
Akosua Baffour
Mental Health PractitionerAbout Akosua
I have been a mental practitioner for 8 years and my aim is to support Mental health client attain their independence and live a healthy life. Also support the PCN work and normalise Mental health. I also work with MINT(Specialist Mental Health Team in Hounslow). I am passionate about the support of mental health recovery and the journey to a life of better emotional, social and mental wellness.
Paramedics are registered healthcare professionals who have a unique role that crosses health and social care, public health, social care and public safety.
The Paramedics in your Primary Care Network (PCN) are a home visiting service and support urgent care and assessment for housebound patients. They also carry out Long Term Conditions (LTCs) reviews for permanently housebound patients. They work independently to provide care in a range of situations but always stay in contact with your GP about any care provided.
If you are referred to the Paramedic, they will attend on behalf of your GP. Your paramedic will work closely with your GP to manage any follow-up actions from your visit, so you don’t have to—for example, referrals or changes to medication.
Your GP will refer you to the Paramedic team. Paramedics will visit patients requiring urgent care on the same day. The paramedic will contact you for routine visits to arrange a time to visit you at home. However, as the team needs to respond to the changing wellness of patients and could be impacted by traffic, they may need to make changes at short notice.
As with all appointments provided by your GP surgery, if you cannot attend your appointment, please notify your GP surgery as soon as possible. This will help to make your appointment available for another patient. If it is a same-day cancellation, it is best to call your practice. Otherwise, you can contact your practice as you normally would.
Meet our Paramedics
Andrew McLachlan
Physician Associates are medically trained, generalist healthcare professionals who work with your GP to provide medical care. Physician associates work under the supervision of a GP, but can work independently with appropriate support.
Your PCN Physician Associates work as part of your GP surgery team to review, examine and propose specific management and treatment plans for patients. A Physician Associate can support you with short-term and long-term medical issues. They can provide most of the care and support you require, including referrals.
There are a small number of things the team cannot do which includes signing sick notes, prescribing medications or requesting ionising radiation investigations such as X-rays. However, they will work closely with your GP where these are required so this is managed for you.
You will be booked to see a Physician Associate by your GP surgery team where appropriate. This may be in response to a request for help with a medical concern or as part of your care for any Long Term Conditions.
As with all appointments provided by your GP surgery, if you cannot attend your appointment, please notify your GP surgery as soon as possible. This will help to make your appointment available for another patient. If it is a same-day cancellation, it is best to call your practice. Otherwise, you can contact your practice as you normally would.
Meet our Physician Associates
Rowena De La Rama
Senior Physician AssociateAbout Rowena
Rowena is a Senior Physician Associate for Hounslow Health PCN. She has been working in primary care since she qualified as a Physician Associate in 2018, where she was part of the first cohort at Brunel University. She is also a Lecturer on the Physician Associate Programme at Brunel University. She enjoys General Medicine, and seeing patients with a variety of medical presentations.
Heerthana Thayaparan
Physician Associate
Sannah Mubashir
Physician Associate
Social prescribing is a personalised approach to healthcare that looks at all the possible needs of individuals from a non-clinical point of view. It recognises that people’s wellbeing is determined by a range of social, economic and environmental factors (e.g. housing, financial, employment, isolation). It is by addressing these concerns that individuals become empowered and attain greater control over their lives and therefor their health and wellbeing.
Social prescribing links people to services and groups in their local community in accordance with their needs. Social prescribing link workers now form part of your GP surgery team, giving people time to focus on what matters to them.
Our social prescribing link workers support patients aged 18 or over. Social prescribing works well for individuals who:
- Have one or more long-term conditions
- Require support with low-level mental health issues
- Feel lonely / isolated
- Have complex social needs
To find out more about social prescribing, please see the following video.
You will be booked to see a social prescribing link worker by your GP surgery team where appropriate. You may also be referred by any other agency in Hounslow.
As with all appointments provided by your GP surgery, if you cannot attend your appointment, please notify your GP surgery as soon as possible. This will help to make your appointment available for another patient. If it is a same-day cancellation, it is best to call your practice. Otherwise, you can contact your practice as you normally would.
Meet your Social Prescribing Link Workers Team
Khadijah Arije
Social Prescribing Link Worker LeadAbout Khadijah
Khadijah Arije is the pioneering Social Prescribing Link Worker Lead for Hounslow Health PCN. Khadijah has a degree in Biological Sciences (BSC Botany) and MBA (Management) with experience in People Management and Volunteering service. She’s an Associate member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD Assoc). Khadijah is passionate about in people’s wellbeing, health inequalities, community development services and Public Health. She enjoys being a Social Prescriber; empowering people to take control of their wellbeing, finding out what is important to them and supporting in achieving their goals.
Anjam Khan
Social Prescribing Link Worker
Dawn Sharp
Social Prescribing Link Worker
Ineta Servaite
Social Prescribing Link Worker